Hello and Welcome to Ashley's Sigtag Haven!
Here is where you'll find signature tags (sig tag), graphics, animations and backgrounds! Only for personal use only! And is Free, No Charge!
• Please don't alter or change any graphic or signature tags or cover up any copyrighted © or license numbers on any image! Those that have them, was required by artist. So please respect their rules and mine. Thank you.
Please Note: The only tags that are requestable (able to request) are the ones with "Requestable" (written in the post) are available for requests!
• You are more than welcome to request a signature tag graphic with your name on it. There is no limit to how many names for example:
- Ashley
- Ronnie and Mary
- Ronnie, Mary, Ashley and Carly
You can have as many names on the tag as you like!
*** I also do personal tags, if you would like one, again you are more than welcome to request it. If you want one please contact me!
• The things I will need for personal tag(s):
- 1 name or more names (depending on the subject of the tag; such as Wedding, Anniversary, Birthday, In Memory, Remembrance, Congratulations; etc.)
- At least 1-6 photo(s) (the limit of photos is 10)
- Date of event (if tag is a In Memory or Remembrance add both birth date and date of death, you may use only the years if you prefer)
- URL to the tag (go to the tag you want, click on the tag or open the tag in a new window, right click on the tag, in the list click on properties, then copy the address/URL and in the contact form paste the address/URL link in the box.)
Requesting? It should look like this for example, what you would write in the box in contact:
EXAMPLE ** I would like to request a Sigtag (or personal tag), the name I want on it is Ashley (You would put your name or/and the other person(s) names), dates (if it's a In Memory or Remembrance), and the address/URL of the tag is https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgQLeLYBKbpn868co7OrpmHKuPuznIuXkOVJBe1KqgXJlT0bVQCvRCrZKSQAJc2X7TiKzWMmVyRbbIYjE65QwbNS3AvurVOBzSYZnYI8hWLJK_080NUx7u7We_Dxe65q5QbA8zUaYj0Vau0/s1600/1av1rb8nrgple.gif
That's all you do if requesting a Sigtag or Personal tag!
Please Note: You will not be able to send photo(s) until I accept your message and I will respond back to you as soon as I see it. Then you reply back to me with attachment of photo(s). Please change the name of the file photo(s) to the name of person(s). So I know what photo(s) go with what name(s). Once I'm finished with your request, you should get an email from me with your Sigtag or Personal Tag attached in email. You will then download the attachment and use it as your profile photo or use it in comments.
Thank you! Have a lovely day! :)